This section will cover swedes, turnips, beetroots, radishes and parsnips, but at present we only stock parsnip seeds. We don't stock pototoes at present either, due to their bulkiness, and there is a separate section for carrots here.
PARSNIP, Gladiator F1
This is a high yielding variety with smooth white skin and a very good canker resistance. These are graded seeds to produce a uniform size, making them easier to sow.
£1.75 per pack (app. 200 seeds)
Deeply dig the soil, which should be free from stones and other obstructions that could damage the roots.
Sow outdoors: Feb-May. Although you can sow from February, sowings from mid spring are usually the most successful. Sow three seeds 1.5cm deep, 15cm apart, in rows 30cm apart. Parsnip seeds take a long time to germinate, so you can mark rows by sowing lettuce inbetween, which will be cut before the parsnips need the room. Once the seedlings grow, thin to the strongest plant.
Growing and Harvesting
Keep the soil moist to prevent the roots from splitting. The roots will be ready from about 34 weeks after sowing, in the autumn, when the foliage begins to die down, but they can be left in the ground till they're needed. In fact the winter frost improve the flavour. Lift gently with a fork.